Saturday, November 29, 2008

Demented Bird

For the past week I have had a crazy brown bird flying up and pecking at my kitchen window.
It's starts at 6am!!!  In some cultures it could be the spirit of the dead.
How ironic that my new partner will get rid of the bird for me.
Again it highlights for me how far I have come and how life can get better and better.
MAybe he just doesn't like my new kitchen!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

End of Year

Why is it we never learn?
Each end of year rolls around and its the same mad dash and utter exhaustion to get to the finish line!
Just looking back over the past year, or 2, and planning my first full Christmas on my own its amazing how far you can come when you think there is no hope.
Life has a way of sneaking up on you and before you know it, things are back on a level footing.
This year I will even be attempting christmas cards.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Summer has arrived

All it takes is one nice response and it makes everything worthwhile.
Have been knocked down a couple of times this year over jobs but it only makes me more determined and ready to study again.
2010 is my deadline for new job.