Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Why is it when you start to get back on track someone gets put out cause you don't call? Do they call me when I am stuck at home on my own? Do they see if I am alright? No but you must always make time to visit them when you fly home. Come on people you still have your life partners, think about those of us struggling to come to terms with a major life change.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


This blog is designed for me to vent and maybe others can relate and get some support knowing someone else out there is going through the same things.
Grief is a bugga. It comes up and hits you from behind like a massive wave. You are going along doing normal things and kapow it hits again.
So far I have no answers but I am working on it.
Weekends are the worst. 3 nights on your own and 2 days without the prospect of anyone ringing or visiting. Going to the supermarket is a great way to get some human contact.
I am learning to garden a job my hubby did. I don't enjoy it but I do like the feeling when the garden looks like he used to have it, it cuts abit of stress out of my day.